Yahoo Buzz ! a inside story

Few days ago on aug 26,Yahoo launched a bookmarking service which is very similar to digg called Yahoo Buzz for all users (Previously it was launched for limited users) which will use users’ voting to the most popular content from different websites or blogs across the Internet and bring them to Yahoo’s homepage.

Though Yahoo Buzz works almost like Digg, ( now )or Reddit, which allow readers to submit and rate stories they like to share, with the highest-rated stories often getting boatloads of referral traffic.

But still this Buzz from Yahoo has some difference from Digg and other bookmarking sites is that the algorithm that determines what stories get featured on the front page counts not only votes from the users, but also the popularity of related search terms and the number of times that the story has being emailed around.

A story is ranked based on its Buzz Score just like it is measured on digg on the basis of number of diggs. Stories with the highest Buzz Scores may be published on the Yahoo! home page.

Some previous records of Yahoo Buzz !!
  • Salon got so excited when they had 1 million unique visitors a day, the most ever to the 12 year old site.
  • Huffington Post reported 800,000 unique visitors from a Yahoo-linked story
  • Smoking Gun,, Dallas Morning News and Imaginova all reported significant traffic increases after links from the Yahoo home page.
  • Sugar, Inc. sites have had nearly 1.8 million unique visitors sent from five different Buzz stories on the Yahoo home page

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