How to improve the quality of videos online by Fixmymovie

If you feel that the video you are watching or video clip that you have recorded by using your camera phone is not of good quality or it contains more than required darkness then do not worry, there is a web application named Fixmymovie that allows users to improve the quality of the video to a very good extent.Though we have many free video editing tools but it is completely automatic so for non geeky users it is better and easy to use.

What you have to do is just upload the video clip to FixMyMovie and correction is then performed automatically and once it is done then you can download the improved video clip. FixMyMovie automatically cleans and fix your movies with the MotionDSP’s advanced video technology. FixMyMovie can increase your movie resolution up to 4X bringing more details out. One the movie is uploaded, you can pause it and take a screen capture at any moment.

Fixmymovie also increase movie clip resolution by adding more pixels, brighten up dark clips, convert to any video format, allow you to capture photos from any video and it accepts video clips up to 640×480 and 100 MB size.

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