How to use gmail address more productively

Do you know the importance of dots in your gmail address ?These dots in your gmail address are the key to a more safe and secure email service use.This article is all about the ways in which these dots in your gmail email address can serve you and how productively you can use them.

What are these dots:

Whenever you register a username with Gmail then Google Mail allows only one registration for any given username. Once you sign up for a particular username, any dot variations are made permanently unavailable for new accounts means that whenever you register a username suppose then Google also allows you to use &

and many more like , means any possible combination with dots and username is allowed.

How are they important:Since these dots are allowing you to use your single email address as multiple address they are providing you a kind of flexibility to use your different email addresses as sub email address.

How Gmail address can be used as spam identifier/blocker:For using them as spam filters you have to use their another feature.Google mail allows you to add any text with your email address by using '+' symbol.When signing up for some website, say, you can add XYZ to your Gmail user ID (eg. This way you can block your subscription whenever you want and even identify those websites that distribute your email address to spammers.

Create filters and save time:Instead of using different email addresses for various purposes (work, school, friends, etc.) you can use different variations of your Gmail and filter incoming mails by ’sent to’ address. For instance, all incoming mail sent to ‘’ can be put to folder ‘work’, messages sent to ‘’ can be put to ‘friends’, ‘’ can be used for newsletters, and so on.

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