change page title for blogger templates

I haven't published any blogger trick for a long time.So this is good to be in a zone which is less explored by me.Now as my exams are over i can focus on this zone also.So this is like re-beginning of my blogger zone.

By default , blogs on blogger show the blog title as the page title followed by the post title.This means if the blog title is "Tech Buzz" and the post title is "How to change page title" , the blog will show "Tech Buzz" before "how to change page title" i.e "Tech Buzz : how to change page title" .

You can view the page title on the blue bar at the top of the page.When the search engine spiders crawl the pages , they too index the default title before the post title and this can be a hindrance in indexing your pages under the relevant post title resulting in loss of traffic. You can change that by making a small change in the html of your blog.

<data:blog.pagetitle/>Whether you are using a new blogger template or you have already switched to a third party template, use the code below to change page title of the template.On the edit html page find and replace it with

Save the template after you replace the code.This should change page title of the individual pages and optimize your blog for the search engines.You should be able to see the post title as the new page title.

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