My friends,their blogs and future of blogging in indian engineering colleges

Most of Tech Buzz(techinnews) readers who have visited my profile knows about me that i am an engineering student in northen india, presently recruited in Wipro technologies in campus selection. My blog tech buzz is already a year old and has almost 5k visitors a month.Though this is not a big amount but this is satisfactory for me because i know the conditions in which i was doing blogging.

As you can see in my initial days the frequency of posting was very less which was because of the internet connection in my town.At the time when this blog was started i was having a 56Kbps internet connection which makes it difficult to post regularly and it also consumed lots of my time but now a days situation is changing and i have got a broadband connection in my town.This has increased my posting frequency and quality as now i can read more in less time.

Almost every indian city and town is going to get a broadband connection which is making the use of internet popular in india.Though blogging is relatively a new concept for indians but popularity and success of bloggers like amit agrawal has inspired a lot of people to do blogging. Even i have noticed a change in my engineering college about the blogging.

My friends are devoting a lot of time and energy in blogging now a days as they too have a broadband connection in their hostel rooms.Though their blogs are in initial states like mine but their growth rate is appreciable.Here is the description of blogs of my friends.

1.Techstyro:This blog is from himanshu agrawal.(He is class topper too).He has shown keen interest in blogging after getting a internet connection.His blog is all about technology and is going fine now a days.He has almost hundreds of articles in 2-3 months.

2.Technogarage:This blog belongs to Jatin arora.His blog is relatively new but his initial articles are fabulous and getting good response.

3.Trickstotrick:This one is from Harsh Tripathi.Amount of his posts are relatively low.He explains this in his own words "i focus on quality".

4.Tech2tech:This blog is most popular among our blogs.This is from shitu from mathura.He got a broadband connection a year ago which reflects in his blog.His good work has inspired all of us to do blogging.

This is just a simple list of bloggers from our college or better to say from our class.They all are engineering students and growth of broadband is reflected in their work.

Now a days blogging is becoming a hobby of indian engineering students as whole country is getting the exposure of good and cheap internet services along with the success stories of famous bloggers from india.

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8:12 PM

If your friends are serious about blogging, it may be a good idea to start on a personal domain rather than using blogspot or

That makes your blog look more professional and it gets relatively easy to "win" subscribers.

Amit Agarwal

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