How to save website for offline access

Do you ever wanted to access any website even when you are connected to internet.This is quite helpful for lot of people who do not have a internet connection or get the internet access for a little time.Now you can download a whole website in your pendrive in cyber cafe and then access the whole content of that website on your PC afterwards.

There is freeware HTTrack [Download ] which allows user to rip any website of their choice and then save it to your system for further offline use.This will copy the exact website content on your system.

You can update the local copy of the website, pause or resume the download. It follows the links of the original website, and downloads the files recursively to a local directory, rearranges the hyper-links structure of the local copy.

It runs on Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP and on Linux, BSD as well. It uses a web crawler to download the files from the website. However, some parts of the website may not be downloaded due to robots exclusion protocol. You can disable the option to follow the robots exclusion protocol if you want to download the complete website even if the website follows the robots exclusion protocol.

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