1. Britney Spears
2. WWE
3. Shakira
4. Jessica Simpson
5. Paris Hilton
6. American Idol
7. Beyonce Knowles
8. Chris Brown
9. Pamela Anderson
10. Lindsay Lohan
Source: Yahoo Inc.
2. Ask.com The most popular queries according to Ask.com after filtering out adult, some generic terms and company names. 1. MySpace 2. Dictionary 3. Games 4. Cars 5. Food 6. Song lyrics 7. Poems 8. New York 9. Baby names 10. Music Source: Ask.com 3. Google Google's list is based not on the number of queries, but on the percentage increase from the previous year to better represent terms that are "hot." 1. Bebo 2. MySpace 3. World Cup 4. Metacafe 5. Radioblog 6. Wikipedia 7. Video 8. Rebelde 9. Mininova 10. Wiki Source: Google Inc. 4. Nielsen//NetRatings An unfiltered list of top search queries for 2006 provides a sharp, if mundane, contrast to those compiled by individual search engines. 1. Google 2. EBay 3. MySpace 4. Yahoo 5. Mapquest 6. MySpace.com 7. Yahoo.com 8. MSN 9. Hotmail 10. Pogo.com Source: Nielsen//NetRatings This is what world is searching for.
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