Power of I am Feeling Lucky button of Google

Its true that most of internet user do not actually know about how to use I am feeling lucky button of Google present on its homepage.Actually The "I'm Feeling Lucky" button is one of the very few things that stand out on Google's minimalistic homepage. It automatically takes you to the first search result and it's helpful for navigational queries.Though only 1% from Google's searches bypass the search results page and go straight to the top result, Google will keep the strange button on the homepage as it has become a part of its brand.This is some info about I am feeling button of Google.And one more thing "I'm feeling lucky" button costs Google $110 million per year.

You might think that this information does not state any kind of power of this button that i mentioned in title.Well if you want to feel the power of this magic button,visit Google, paste below mentioned strings in Google search box and then press I am feeling lucky.

google l33t, elgoog , find chuck norris , google gothic , ewmew fudd , xx-klingon , xx-piglatin , google bsd , google linux , google easteregg , google gizoogle , google bearshare , google microsoft,
google april fool's , google finnish , google black , google christmas.

Hope you feel that why this button is more special inspite of less use.
Thanks Harsh

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10:40 PM

Another one....try "french military victories" and hit I'm feeling lucky button
......Tricks 2 Trick


7:44 PM

google has launched its fancy search http://www.googleeastereggs.com/

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