How to convert PDF,RTF,DOC,XLS, into HTML and text file online

To convert a PDF,XLS,DOC,RTF document in to HTML document online you can use your Gmail account. Compose a mail and attach any PDF,XLS,DOC,RTF document into it and send it to your own Gmail account means simply write your own email address in To: section.

After that you will receive the email from your address and when you will open this , it will be like this.Then select view as HTML.

Another way of doing this is to use online converter by adobe itself but this is limited up to the conversion of PDF files in to HTML or TEXT files. It is not applicable for other kind of documents like XLS,DOC,RTF.

There are two methods for doing this via email or by adobe site itself.

Via email:

Mail you PDF attachment to for converting your PDF file into text file and send your attachment to for converting your PDF document in to HTML document.After doing this you will recieve email from Adobe with the converted document.

Via adobe online conversion tool:

What you have to do is go to adobe online conversion tool where you can provide the url of the PDF document and select output format for it and then convert it to either HTML or TEXT file.

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